Woodland Roots

Featured Products

Cranberry Bliss Candles


Lavender & Rosemary Mighty Balm


Mighty Pine Salve


More about our brand


More about our brand *

Welcome to Woodland Roots, where mother-daughter creativity meets natural wellness! We’re a passionate duo who, after years of loving skincare and self-care products, decided to take the leap and start our own small business. What began as a personal experiment, perfecting recipes for our friends and family, quickly blossomed into something more—something we wanted to share with a larger audience. Each product, whether it’s a soothing candle or a nourishing skincare item, is lovingly handcrafted by one of us, with only the finest natural ingredients. Our secret? Simple, recognizable ingredients and a heaping dose of love in every batch.

At Woodland Roots, we’re on a mission to create products that nurture your body, mind, and soul, helping you live your best, most vibrant life. Whether you’re unwinding with a calming candle or pampering your skin with one of our refreshing skincare products, we’re here to support your self-care journey. Join us as we embrace the beauty of nature and the power of family—one handmade product at a time. We can’t wait for you to experience the love and care we pour into every creation.

Yours Truly,

Dawn and Kayla Presley

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